About Me

Researcher, Developer, Designer

I’m Harriet, a Product Designer based in Irvine, California. I specialize in interaction design and prototyping. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science, with a minor in Computer Science from University of California, San Diego in December 2019. Previously I interned at American Express to streamline digital workplace support experience. Currently I am looking for full-time opportunities in Product Design.

As a Designer, I strongly believe in interdisciplinary design, as great digital experiences usually come from the intersection of research, graphic design, human psychology, data analytics and engineering:

My previous experiences in undergraduate research greatly influenced me as an evidence-driven designer. I worked as a research assistant in a cognition lab. During my 14 months there, My focus was on Gender Based Ingroup vs. Outgroup Biases in Young Children, for which I conducted academic literature research, designed and conducted experiments with my team. I learned to extrapolate information from scientific materials, and took a closer look into the cognitive psychology of the young minds in practice.

In my sophomore year, I was an Instructional Assistant for Introductory Statistics and Data Manipulation in R, where I also explored my interests in infographics, analytical programming, and teaching. I was also the webmaster for the UC San Diego Bookstore, where I helped design and maintain its website. This is also where I learned to design and market content for an e-commerce business.

In my free time, I analyze and write about the cultural and technological foundation of classic and modern Science Fiction. I leave you here with my favorite quote from Star Trek: “Compassion: that's the one things no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.”
