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5 weeks
My Role
UX Design, Kiosk Design, Cross-team collaboration
Figma, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Google Survey
The Geisel library at UC San Diego offers a variety of general technology accessories, media equipments, and toolkits, etc.. However, more than half of students enrolled as of Spring 2019 do not know about Tech Lending Program that Geisel Library offers.
“If I needed a charger late at night in Geisel, I would go on various facebook pages and ask for any spare chargers that I could borrow. ”
— A frustrated UCSD student.
We aim to raise awareness on the Tech Lending Program currently available at the UCSD Geisel Library, and make its equipment more accessible to UCSD students by creating a frictionless process for checking out equipment.
research Collaterals
The website for the Tech Lending Program does not offer a way to reserve items online. The system to check the availability of items required user’s prior knowledge and hard to use. 75% of students had to borrow something at the library from fellow students, yet only about half (56%) of students know about the Tech Lending Program at the Geisel Library. We discovered a multitude of posters advertising the various resources of the library, yet students walk by these without giving them a second glance.This was a great opportunity of providing awareness and exposure of these resources to students.